A Pilot Named Joe is dedicated to the Joe Noyes Crew who served with the 95th Bomb Group (H) during the Second World War, flying combat missions over Europe in a B-17 Flying Fortress. Their aircraft was lost on Sep. 15, 1943 while returning from a daylight bomb raid to Paris (Billancourt). Nine men are still missing in action. Only one of them returned home to be buried after the war ended. He was the pilot named Joe; our namesake. Read more.
- Books
- Hawkins, Ian. L. (2005). B-17s over Berlin: Personal Stories from the 95th Bomb Group (H).
- Washington: Potomac Books, Inc.
- Conley, Harry. M. (2002). No Foxholes in the Sky.
- Trumball, CT: FNP Military Division.
- Hawkins, Ian. L. (2005). B-17s over Berlin: Personal Stories from the 95th Bomb Group (H).
- Websites
- WW2 Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands, North Sea & English Channel
- Aircrew Remembered: USAAF Combat Operations in WWII
- The American Air Museum Database
- The 95th Bomb Group (H) Searchable Database https://95thbgdb.com
- The Census data and other resources found at Ancestry.com
- Documents
With gratitude to Joe’s loved ones
Robert E. Noyes, Sara Baty Noyes, Matt Noyes, Tom J. Noyes, Elizabeth Noyes Trunkey, John Noyes, Lori Noyes Norton, Tami Noyes Wiegand, and Donna Davis Flynn.
Other kind supporters
W.L. Bergman, Col. Harry M. Conley, USAF (Ret.), Col. H. Griffin Mumford, USAF (Ret.), Lt. Col. Robert C. Cozens, USAF (Ret.), Flight Officer Paul E. Perceful, USAF, Gerald Grove, Bob Rosenzweig, Brad Petrella, Rob Morris, Col. Daniel Cummins, USAF (Ret.), Michael Darter, Dennis Sparks, Richard E. Flagg, Bill Murchison, Mary Pirtle (David F. Prees), Marguerite M. Rice, Anna Villanueva, Ayden Alley, Keith B. Taylor, Gregory Blair Rice, Vian A. (Conley) Cafaro, Charles I. Nelson, Ken McPherson, Marc Eskenazi (son of Jack Eskenazi, a B-26 pilot), Michael Stevenson (writing the story of Howard R. Stanbery), John Burgan (great nephew of Robert J. Nicholson), Garry Miller (son of Harry S. Miller, a WW2 pilot), Carl, from the same hometown as Billie Clapper, and Terry Hirsch, volunteer researcher, Milwaukee War Memorial Center.
My sincere appreciation also extends to The Hudson Reporter, The Marines’ Memorial Association, The Boeing Company, and Squadron Posters who created a B-17 poster in honor of The Joe Noyes Crew.
Last but never least, thanks to all my friends from The 95th Bomb Group (H) Memorials Foundation, with a special shout-out to Col. H. Griffin Mumford, who sponsored my membership many years ago.